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Our church is a 50/50 church, meaning half of every dollar given goes towards foreign mssins, local outreach, our sisters and brothers in RWANDA, future church plants, and compassion needs in our congregation. Learn about these ministries to know how your money is serving the Kingdom.

Local Outreach


The ministries, programs, services, and initiatives of M-POWER exist to share the love of God and transforming power of Christ; to empower men and women to become the people God has created and called them to be; to provide the knowledge, skills, and encouragement to become productive, contributing members of the community and co-laborers in the Kingdom; and to demonstrate the full body of Christ coming together to honor and reflect Our Lord’s prayer - that thy will be done on earth, as it is heaven. Learn more at, or ask Bethany Rushing or Susan Warnock.

Brother Bryan Mission

The primary purpose of the Brother Bryan Mission is to lead unsaved men to Christ by employing the example set by both our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ and by Brother Bryan himself which is a ministry of love unencumbered by social or ethnic barriers and where each person is a potential brother in Christ. 

The Mission provides a place the men can call “home” with an atmosphere of safety and rest. We are an interdenominational, transitional ministry, providing men with a transitional home and programs to help them to learn to live responsible, productive and independent lives and to become contributing members of the Church, the family and the community. Learn more at

Mission Outreach

We have the joy of prayerfully and financially supporting many missionaries across the globe, many of whom serve in dangerous places. In order to protect their service, we do not publish the details of their work. If you would like to learn more about their ministries, please contact Mary Dorsett.