Dear Friends,
As we enter the Green Season or the part of the church year known as Ordinary tine, our focus shifts from the events in the life of Jesus Christ to His teachings and parables. To that end, I want to encourage you to join me in following the example of Our Savior and rededicating ourselves to prayer. A twentieth century missionary to people inside the Iron Curtain during the years of Communist domination, Peter Dyneka, Sr., lived by this motto: “Much Prayer, Much Power. Little Prayer, Little Power. No Prayer, No Power.” Dyneka’s dictum is more than a clever phrase. It captures the essence of our Lord Jesus Christ’s life and it is something acknowledged by every Christian who lives a truly Christ-glorifying life.
In Mark 1:21-39 we read that Our Lord had a busy Sabbath in Capernaum. He had taught in the synagogue and cast an unclean spirit out of a man. Jesus then went to Simon Peter’s home where He found the disciple’s mother-in-law ill with a fever. He healed her and then after sunset, when many sick and demonically oppressed people were brought to Him, He healed them all.
In verse 35 we learn that early the next morning, while it was still dark, Jesus had departed to an isolated place where He spent time in prayer with his Father in Heaven. During this time of prayer, Jesus garnered the strength to continue His ministry of traveling, teaching, preaching, and healing, and through this prayer time learned where His Father wanted Him to go.
In brief, Jesus’ lifeline to His Father in Heaven was prayer. And if Jesus needed prayer to live a life that glorified God – how much more do we need a robust time of prayer each day? Therefore, let’s covenant together to commit a part of each day to prayer. For me, early in the morning usually works well. But no matter the time, devote at least a few minutes each day to praising God, seeking His protection and guidance for the day’s activities, and interceding for your family and other people in your range of influence.
Finally, consider two prayer opportunities available to everyone on Sunday mornings. From 9:15-9:45 a.m., before the 10 a.m. worship service at Hodges Chapel, we have a prayer meeting to praise God and intercede for the worship service and needs of the church. Second, during Holy Communion each Sunday you are invited to go to the prayer ministers (two teams of two persons each) and pray for any need that you want to bring to the Lord.
Remember Our Lord’s example in Mark 1:35. And take to heart Peter Dyneka’s motto: “Much prayer, Much Power.” Join me in asking Our Lord to help us become a church family energized by prayer.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Lyle