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Entries in Rector's Update (1)


Birth of the Church

Dear Friends,

The Lord has risen, alleluia!   Without His resurrection from the grave, there would be no victory over death and we would be people without hope.  That is why we celebrate with such joy at this time of year.   The time between the Resurrection and Pentecost – the birthday of the church – is thought to be one great Sunday or time of celebration.  In the early church, the believers did not fast during this season because the resurrection of Jesus was such a great source of joy.  Death was defeated and the gates to heaven, with access to God the Father, opened in dazzling joy and amazement and “the Great Fifty Days” from the Resurrection to Pentecost were seen as especially holy.

Unfortunately today, many see the reality of what happened on Resurrection Sunday or Easter as a standalone event with little ability to change lives.  That leads to the devaluation of the death of Jesus and undermines the spiritual power found in the Resurrection.   If the Resurrection is real, and I believe it to be so, then all that Jesus said and taught must be believed and lived.  Each day should be seen as a precious opportunity for becoming more and more the person that God created us to be.  Because Jesus defeated death and sin, we can too.  These are not mere ancient events or pious, well-intentioned words but a promise from God who never wavers but rather invites us to draw nearer to Him that we might know that deep inner peace that our souls crave.

We, at Christ the King, invite you to come and join us as we remember the great things God has done for us and walk the road from the empty tomb to the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.   Jesus is alive, real, and waiting for each of us to live in the transformational power that He won through His death and Resurrection.

The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia!

Pastor Lyle

April, 2012